Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Worthless Moment

I've done no work on writing or publishing - not even house work this evening.

I've had cut 13-14 inches of hair and donated it to a place that makes wigs for kids on chemo. I've done my nails, messed with my short hair, thought about many publishing tasks waiting for my attention, but tonight I've been on holiday being all girly. (The photo is right after the cut, before I did "stuff" to my hair.)

This is how I look on my work ID badge:

Remember that look?

Anyone remember when it was this short?


  1. Good for you Nadine, you deserve a really big treat for being so big-hearted. You look lovely with shorter hair by the way.

  2. An inspiring cause, Nadine, and I love your new shorter hair! Some time out for yourself is always nurturing. The writing and publishing work will follow. xx

  3. Love the hair! It really suits you! ~Joyce~

  4. Ah, thanks... I would have cut it sooner, if I'd know the reaction. Sill, stay tuned...going back for more snipping. Might do over the lunch hour.

  5. I LOVE the new look, it is so flattering. What a lovely reason to have your hair cut. :)

  6. I like you hair shorter.
    Crosby Stills and Nash 'Almost cut my hair'

  7. You look so cute with that new haircut! You remind me of Diane Keaton :)

  8. Thanks, I've cut more since then.

  9. I love the new look. It's beautiful.
    And great idea about donating it.

  10. Hello Joy. Thanks. I ended up getting it cut three time within two weeks. The first cut was the donation cut. It's free, but not a lot of styling. I went back twice to get the bottom shorter and once on the top. They seem to like it at work. I've had to adjust to blow drying and a bit of curling iron. That was a big switch from driving to work with the windows down and having my hair dry by the time I arrived. Guess I have to get up earlier now.

  11. I've added my latest cut. See above.

  12. That is totally weird. I've uploaded the new pic twice. I have no idea where it went. So if it showed up on your blog, sooorrry.
