Friday, February 26, 2010

Reader's Advice to Writers

Susan Gabriel posted an interesting blog item about writing advice from a reader. Personally, I love getting feedback from readers. It is a fantastic learning tool. Since I write to the audience, I think these tips are a great idea.

Go to Susan's blog and follow the links, I like the one from the Guardian.

Then write in the comment section YOUR advice for writers.


  1. One thing I have learned is to write every day. Even if it is just a few lines. My advice would be to read the advice out there for you. I have no regrets spending a few hours a week, blog & website reading. The advice from agents, writers, publishers and editors is valuable.
    Read at least one different genre a month, move away from your safe zone. I opens up your thought channels.

    Thanks for the links, Nadine.

  2. Write a diary.
    Read fiction and non-fiction where you are going to learn something about writing from.

  3. I really must write more, even if it's just blogging. Good advice!
