Sunday, October 23, 2016

Staying Published

While staying current on the blogs that I follow is not a high priority, I did see something this morning that seems worth repeating from Janet Reid's blog. Janet Reid is a literary agent.
The post is: In one of the comments someone wrote, "It is one thing to get published and another to stay published."
Just like anything else we jump into, looking at the big picture is essential to 'correct' first steps.
Writing is on a spectrum, although some people see it as an end point. While writing itself is satisfying to most of us, beyond that euphoria we need to have a serious conversation with our self about where we want to go with this 'writing stuff.'
Bang away on your laptop with the TV blaring, take writing classes, walk the isles of the bookstore with glazed over eyes, but find a bit of quite time to think of this craft as a business.
The only way to succeed in any business is to do your homework and understand the industry inside and out. Plus, to some extent understanding the ebb and flow of the economy helps build a strong business.
The point is, of course, identify your goals, and then develop a plan on how to achieve those goals.
There is a lot of advice, mine included, on the Internet and in print books. The work is to distill all of that into a working model that fits YOU.
Write your best work and make time to understand the industry. Cheers!

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