Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye, Hello

As we say, "Goodbye" to 2009, I've heard no one say it has been a great year, even though some good things have happened to each of us. Nearly every adult and most children have had concerns about the anemic economy. I'm sure we will have learned a great deal from these times.

In a few hours we start again, hopefully different from last year, much wiser. Eleanor Roosevelt said it best when she said, we have the world we agree to have. Perhaps we can agree to have a better world, one with a bit less "me" and "money," and a bit more "compassion" and "charity."

Maybe the Beatles had it right, "All we need is love."

My sister-in-law, Jan, sent an email that had the quote below as the final comment. I wish I knew who wrote it. I couldn't find it searching quotes (if you know, let me know - I like to give credit where credit is due).

From Jan's email:
"Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about the one's who don't. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it."

Have a happy and good new year in 2010.


  1. Nice post, you never forget pop up and keep us updated, wish you and your family very Happy New Year. Lets say good bye to 2009 and welcome new life with new 2010.

    r4 dsi

  2. Happy 2010, dear Nadine, make sure to keep only the good things from the past year, forget the ugly's to great success and happiness!

  3. As Mr. Dickins so perfectly wrote, "God bless us, everyone." Best to all of you in 2010.

  4. Too right, a good year to us all

  5. A great post, Nadine. Bright wishes to you for a fabulous New Year. I hope 2010 is truly inspirational. x

  6. Wow, I love that quote.

    Especially, " the people who treat you right...."

    Amen, sista!
