Monday, April 6, 2009

It's a Jeep thing

About ten years ago, one of my sons and I had a conversation about Albert Einstein's early essays. I was thankful for the science classes I had at university and nursing school. My child discussed his reservations about a few theories, but generally agreed with most of the thesis.

The other day when I came home, my 'physicist-to-be' kid was working on his old CJ-5 Jeep in the driveway. He hasn't had this Jeep very long, so there are things needing repairs and caretaking. It is still in primer light gray like when he bought it. He had the hood up, his head and shoulders hidden, and a tool box on the ground within easy access. Farther over was a neat row of bicycles and one that looked like it might have been dismounted in transit by a tardy kid.

In the back of this open-air Jeep sat five little boys, very quiet. Wisely, they had been relegated to the back of the Jeep, so no one would get itchy feet and try the clutch or play with the shifter even though the keys were pocketed by the owner. When the owner/mechanic appeared from under the hood to exchange tools, someone asked a question. Then all the little boys got chatty. My son leaned against his Jeep and talked to the boys.

When their light bulbs came on and someone said, "Ooooh! I wondered how that worked." He said, "Yep, that's how it works," and disappeard under the hood again. The boys returned to staring at the top of the raised hood until he reappeared. Then the scene would repeat.

I didn't think to take a picture. No matter. I won't post pics of my kids on the internet. But it was lovely.

I went through 14 pages of Google images looking at CJ-5 pictures. This is sort of like his Jeep -- not as cool as his. I know 5 little boys who will back me on that. it says this one has been sold, so I hope the link works.


  1. Carrie, thank you for the mention of my blog. Nadine

  2. This is cool too. Carrie wrote "Indian School" after we toured the Heard [Indian] Museum in Phoenix during her visit to America. Listen to her song.
